2CARE projects

2CARE is committed to supporting LGBT youth who face homelessness and societal discrimination due to their sexual orientation. Our new project, the “NAME OF THE PROJECT” aims to provide a comprehensive support system to these vulnerable youngsters, helping them secure a safe living environment, access essential health services, and receive opportunities for education and employment.

Recent studies indicate that up to 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBT. Rejection from their families, abuse, and societal discrimination are the primary reasons for their homelessness. This project addresses the urgent need for safe housing, psychological support, and reintegration into society of these displaced young individuals.


"2CARE" is dedicated to addressing the diverse challenges faced by the LGBT community through a broad spectrum of services and initiatives. Our mission is to promote dignity, safety, and inclusiveness for all LGBT individuals, with a particular focus on those who are most vulnerable: homeless youth, societal integration challenges, and elderly LGBT individuals needing dedicated care and housing. For the moment we have started 2 big projects that you can be a part of in supporting.

2CARE for elderly

G-RESIDENCIES is a project by the NGO, 2CARE, aimed at providing a supportive, inclusive, and comprehensive living environment for elderly members of the LGBT community who do not have families to care for them. This project seeks to address the unique challenges faced by LGBT elders, including social isolation, lack of specialized care, and discrimination.

Many LGBT elders face the twilight years of their lives without adequate support systems. Traditional elder care facilities often do not meet their emotional or health-related needs, leading to higher rates of depression, loneliness, and overall reduced quality of life. G-residencies will offer not just housing but a vibrant, supportive community that respects their identity and meets their specific needs.